Hakikat Bela Negara: Pentingnya Pengabdian untuk Keutuhan Negara

Pengertian Bela Negara

Bela Negara

Bela Negara is a term that has been familiar to Indonesians since the mid-1980s. The term Bela Negara comes from the Indonesian language which means “Defend the Country”. The concept of Bela Negara contains moral and ethical values that encourage every Indonesian citizen to love their country; to be willing to sacrifice for the country, to respect, and to maintain the unity of the country. The idea of Bela Negara is promoting patriotism and nationalism among the Indonesian people, especially for the younger generation.

Bela Negara can also be interpreted as an effort to prepare the citizens to be ready to face any form of threat, natural disasters, or other emergencies that could potentially endanger the country’s integrity. Bela Negara is not specifically addressed to the military or police, nor does it only refer to the act of carrying weapons or defending the country in a war but more of a comprehensive concept that includes social, economic, and political aspects.

In relation to the state sovereignty, Bela Negara is also an effort to increase the awareness of the citizens towards Indonesia’s political, economic, and social sovereignty. This means that every Indonesian must be aware of the importance of preserving Indonesia’s independence, national identity, and culture.

The implementation of the Bela Negara concept is an unconditional obligation for every citizen of Indonesia who has the attention and care for their beloved country. This obligation has been regulated by the government since 2017 through the presidential regulation No. 7 of 2017 concerning the implementation of Bela Negara. The regulation mandates every citizen of Indonesia to have the ability and competency to implement Bela Negara in their daily lives.

Moreover, the concept of Bela Negara is very similar to the concept of civic education, which aims to instill the love of the country, moral ethics, and behavioral values among the Indonesian youth. The education system is the perfect place to implement Bela Negara by providing students with formal education, non-formal and informal education. It includes patriotism, nationalism, and citizenship education that can be applied in everyday life inside and outside of schools.

Thus, every citizen of Indonesia must be aware of the importance of Bela Negara. It is not just a matter of patriotism but also about the responsibility and obligation, especially for the younger generation. Moreover, the implementation of the concept of Bela Negara can support Indonesia towards a better future and to be more sovereign.

Konsep Dasar Bela Negara

Konsep Dasar Bela Negara

Bela Negara is a concept that is closely related to the defense and security of the state. This concept was first introduced during the Soeharto era in the hope of increasing the sense of nationalism and patriotism among the people. Bela Negara aims to foster the spirit of love for the country and encourages all people to actively participate in the defense and security of the state.

The concept of Bela Negara is based on the principle that the security and defense of the state is the responsibility of all its citizens. This means that all people have an equal obligation to contribute to the defense of the state, regardless of their profession or social status. The concept also emphasizes the importance of unity and mutual cooperation among all people in ensuring the security and defense of the state.

One of the fundamental principles of Bela Negara is the respect and adherence to the constitution and the law of the state. This means that all individuals must respect the rules and laws of the state, and avoid any actions that may lead to the disruption of public order and national security.

In Indonesia, Bela Negara is a constitutional duty that is enshrined in the 1945 Constitution. Article 27(3) of the Constitution stipulates that “every citizen shall have the right and obligation to participate in the defense and security of the state.” This means that all Indonesian citizens are required to participate in and contribute to the defense and security of the state.

The implementation of Bela Negara in Indonesia is carried out through various means, such as through education, military training, and community service. The government has also established a National Resilience Institute (Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional) to provide education and training on Bela Negara to the public.

The implementation of Bela Negara is not just limited to the military sphere. It also encompasses non-military aspects such as economic, political, and social aspects. In this regard, the concept of Bela Negara is closely related to the concept of total defense, which emphasizes the importance of integrating all elements of society in ensuring the security and defense of the state.

As a concept, Bela Negara remains relevant in Indonesia today. It reflects the importance of maintaining and preserving the integrity and sovereignty of the state, and encourages all people to actively participate in this endeavor. Bela Negara is not just a duty, but also a reflection of the love and respect for the country and its people.

Tujuan Pelaksanaan Bela Negara

Bela Negara Indonesia

Bela Negara merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi setiap warga negara Indonesia. Bela Negara tidak hanya merupakan sebuah tugas, melainkan suatu tanggung jawab sekaligus pengabdian kepada Tanah Air, bangsa, dan negara. Pelaksanaan Bela Negara mempunyai berbagai tujuan yaitu sebagai berikut:

1. Meningkatkan Kewaspadaan terhadap Ancaman yang Ada

Ancaman Fisik Terhadap Negara Indonesia

Salah satu tujuan pelaksanaan Bela Negara adalah untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap berbagai ancaman dari dalam maupun luar negeri yang dapat mempengaruhi keamanan dan kedaulatan negara. Ancaman bisa berupa ancaman fisik yang meliputi peperangan, terorisme, narkoba, atau ancaman nonfisik seperti perpecahan, terorisme, ataupun cybercrime.

2. Meningkatkan Semangat Patriotisme dan Nasionalisme

Nasionalisme dan Patriotisme

Pelaksanaan Bela Negara bertujuan untuk meningkatkan semangat patriotisme dan nasionalisme bagi warga negara Indonesia. Dalam hal ini, setiap warga negara diharapkan bisa memiliki rasa cinta terhadap negara, merasa bangga dan peduli terhadap keberlangsungan bangsa dan negara. Rasa patriotisme dan nasionalisme sangat penting demi menjaga keutuhan dan keberlangsungan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

3. Menaati Kepatuhan Terhadap Hukum dan Peraturan

Hukum dan Peraturan Indonesia

Salah satu tujuan pelaksanaan Bela Negara adalah untuk menaati kepatuhan terhadap hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Setiap warga negara memiliki kewajiban memiliki tunduk kepada hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku serta menjaga ketertiban masyarakat dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Adapun bentuk kepatuhan terhadap hukum dan peraturan bisa dilakukan dengan memberikan informasi apabila ada pelanggaran, tidak memberikan suap, serta tidak memberikan bantuan atau dukungan kepada pelaku pelanggaran hukum dan peraturan yang ada di Indonesia.

4. Mempertahankan Keutuhan Negara

Keutuhan Negara Indonesia

Tujuan pelaksanaan Bela Negara yang terakhir adalah memperjuangkan keutuhan negara. Dalam hal ini, secara langsung setiap warga negara bertanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, serta mempertahankan keutuhan dan keberlangsungan negara. Dalam lingkup ini, Bela Negara menjadi sebuah kewajiban bagi setiap warga negara untuk menjamin keberlangsungan dan keselamatan negara serta memperjuangkan keutuhan NKRI dengan selalu berperan aktif untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara.

Secara keseluruhan, tujuan pelaksanaan Bela Negara sangatlah penting dalam rangka menjaga keamanan, kedaulatan, serta keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, sebagai warga negara Indonesia, kita harus memiliki komitmen dan partisipasi aktif dalam pelaksanaan Bela Negara demi kepentingan bangsa dan negara yang tercinta.

Wujud Pelaksanaan Bela Negara

Wujud Pelaksanaan Bela Negara

Bela Negara is a concept that has been widely known in Indonesia. It is a concept that unites and mobilizes the people of Indonesia in defending the sovereignty of their nation. With the aim of strengthening the defense of the nation, bela negara has become one of the important components of national development.

In order to strengthen the implementation of bela negara, there are several forms of implementation that have been carried out in Indonesia. Here are some of the forms of bela negara implementation in Indonesia:

1. National Defense Education

National Defense Education

National Defense Education is a form of bela negara implementation that is implemented primarily in educational institutions. In essence, this education aims to educate and enlighten the younger generation about the importance of defending the state and the nation’s sovereignty. This implementation also includes the context of moral teachings and loyalty to the Homeland since early childhood. The goal is to build a strong patriotism foundation for the future generation.

2. Military and Paramilitary Training

Military and Paramilitary Training

Military and paramilitary training are an important form of bela negara implementation in Indonesia. This training aims for strengthening the civil society and internalizing the values of nationalism in society. This includes training programs, such as firearms, martial arts, tactical abilities, leadership, and other related programs. This training would increase the readiness of the community and contribute to handle various national threats, such as natural disasters, terrorism, and other vital state activities.

3. Community Services

Community Services

Bela negara implementation also includes community services. This is an ideal implementation of bela negara, which focuses on developing the spirit of togetherness by serving society. Community service activities can be carried out in various forms such as providing health services, environmental services, and education services. This implementation forms the foundation of democracy which often strengthens the national interest of the country in the long term. It develops the sense of volunteerism and altruism in our communities, which are essential traits that humanity should possess.

4. Conscription


Conscription is a system that is the responsibility of every citizen who has reached a certain age. In Indonesia, conscription is held by the National Army. The national army are responsible for the recruitment, training, and education of citizen soldiers to defend the country. This implementation aims to create a sense of responsibility in every citizen, develop the spirit of patriotism, and strengthen the defense power of the country. The implemented system aims not only for the military power but holistic to the national power, including economics, social, law, and diplomatic sectors.

The implementation of bela negara in Indonesia is aimed to strengthen nationalism, to promote the sense of responsibility towards the country, and to increase awareness to defend against national threats. It is hoped this way, Indonesia can maintain a strong and stable country, respected by other nations.

Urgensi Pentingnya Bela Negara bagi Bangsa dan Negara

Urgensi Pentingnya Bela Negara

Bela Negara merupakan sebuah konsep yang sangat penting bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Konsep ini mengajarkan rasa cinta tanah air, rasa nasionalisme, serta kemampuan dalam menghadapi dan membela negara dari ancaman dalam dan luar negeri. Dalam era globalisasi ini, bela negara sangatlah penting, terutama karena adanya berbagai tantangan yang mengancam keutuhan bangsa dan negara.

Bela Negara memiliki berbagai fungsi dan urgensi yang sangat penting bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Berikut adalah beberapa urgensi pentingnya bela negara bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia:

Bela Negara

1. Menjaga Keutuhan NKRI
Urgensi pertama dari bela negara adalah untuk menjaga keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). NKRI merupakan negara yang memiliki keragaman etnis, budaya dan agama yang sangat besar. Dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan yang terjadi, bela negara sangat diperlukan untuk menjaga dan memperkuat keutuhan bangsa dan negara kita.

2. Menciptakan Stabilitas Keamanan dalam Negeri
Urgensi kedua dari bela negara adalah menciptakan stabilitas keamanan di dalam negeri. Dalam menjalankan fungsi negara sebagai penyelenggara keamanan, bela negara harus dilakukan dengan baik dan benar agar negara bisa terus menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik. Tanpa ada rasa cinta terhadap bangsa dan negara, keberlangsungan negara akan menjadi sulit dan instabilitas keamanan akan mengancam bangsa dan negara.

3. Mendorong Patriotisme dalam Masyarakat
Urgensi ketiga dari bela negara adalah mendorong patriotisme dalam masyarakat. Konsep bela negara sangat penting dalam menumbuhkan rasa cinta terhadap bangsa dan negara. Patriotisme dan nasionalisme harus menjadi nilai-nilai yang ditanamkan sejak dini agar masyarakat memiliki kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap negaranya.

4. Memupuk Rasa Kebersamaan dalam Masyarakat
Urgensi keempat dari bela negara adalah memupuk rasa kebersamaan dalam masyarakat. Dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai warga negara, maka warga negara harus memiliki sikap saling mendukung, bekerja sama, dan saling membantu untuk mencapai tujuan bersama. Rasa kebersamaan ini sangatlah penting dan hanya dapat tercapai jika masyarakat memiliki kesadaran bela negara yang tinggi.

5. Melindungi Kedaulatan dan Keamanan Negara
Urgensi kelima dari bela negara adalah melindungi kedaulatan dan keamanan negara. Warga negara memiliki tanggung jawab untuk melindungi negara dari ancaman dalam dan luar negeri. Ancaman teroris, radikalisme, dan separatisme dapat merusak keamanan negara dan keutuhan bangsa. Maka dari itu, bela negara juga harus dilakukan dengan membangun jaringan pertahanan yang kuat untuk menjaga kedaulatan negara.

Belanja Negara

Melalui penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Bela Negara sangatlah penting bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Bela Negara menjadi peran penting dari setiap warga negara untuk menjaga keutuhan bangsa dan negara, menciptakan stabilitas keamanan dalam negeri, mendorong patriotisme dan memupuk rasa kebersamaan dalam masyarakat, dan terutama dalam melindungi kedaulatan dan keamanan negara. Maka dari itu, setiap Warga Negara Indonesia harus memiliki kesadaran bela negara yang tinggi untuk membangun Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang kuat dan maju.

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