Becik Tegese: The Traditional Balinese Method of Baby Care

Becik Tegese


Hello pembaca! Are you familiar with the traditional Balinese method of baby care called Becik Tegese? This ancient practice has been passed down through generations of Balinese mothers and is still widely practiced today. The roots of Becik Tegese date back centuries and are deeply rooted in Balinese culture. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Becik Tegese, including its strengths, weaknesses, and FAQs.

What is Becik Tegese?

Becik Tegese, or also known as Becik Ketitisan, is a traditional method of baby care that Balinese mothers practice from birth until the age of three months. The practice involves a set of Balinese rituals to protect the newborn from the spiritual world and physical surroundings. In the Balinese language, “becik” means “baby”, while “tegese” or “ketitisan” means “protection” or “safekeeping”.

How is Becik Tegese Done?

There are several steps to performing Becik Tegese. Firstly, the baby’s umbilical cord is cut and mixed with coconut oil. The mixture is then applied to the baby’s forehead, stomach, and chest to ward off evil spirits. Next, the mother and baby are bathed with a mixture of water, leaves, and flowers, which is believed to cleanse the body and provide protection. Lastly, the mother and baby are secluded in a room for ten days, to ensure optimal rest and recovery.

What are the Strengths of Becik Tegese?

One of the strengths of Becik Tegese is that it emphasizes the importance of bonding between mother and baby. The secluded time allows for the mother and baby to rest, recover, and form a strong emotional bond. Additionally, the use of natural ingredients like coconut oil and leaves is believed to promote health and healing. Becik Tegese is also a highly respected tradition in Balinese culture, and families take great pride in practicing it.

What are the Weaknesses of Becik Tegese?

One potential weakness of Becik Tegese is that it may not comply with modern medical practices. The secluded time may prevent the mother and baby from receiving necessary medical attention. Additionally, the use of natural ingredients may not be effective in treating certain medical conditions. It is important for families who practice Becik Tegese to consult with a medical professional before beginning the practice.

What is the Effect of Becik Tegese?

Becik Tegese is believed to have a positive effect on both the mother and the baby. The secluded time allows for optimal rest and recovery, and may reduce stress levels for both the mother and baby. The use of natural ingredients is believed to promote health and healing, while the emphasis on bonding may lead to stronger emotional relationships in the family.

What are the Cultural Implications of Becik Tegese?

Becik Tegese is deeply rooted in Balinese culture and is an important tradition for families. Practicing Becik Tegese is a way for families to honor their ancestors and connect with their cultural heritage. It is also a way for families to bond and form a strong emotional connection. By practicing Becik Tegese, Balinese families preserve an important aspect of their culture and pass it on to future generations.

What are the FAQs?

No. FAQs
1 Is Becik Tegese safe?
2 What is the purpose of the secluded time in Becik Tegese?
3 Can modern medical practices be combined with Becik Tegese?
4 What are some of the natural ingredients used in Becik Tegese?
5 How long do families practice Becik Tegese?
6 What is the significance of the name “Becik Tegese”?
7 Is Becik Tegese a religious practice?
8 Can families who are not Balinese practice Becik Tegese?
9 What is the importance of bonding in Becik Tegese?
10 What is the role of traditional healers in Becik Tegese?
11 What are the spiritual implications of Becik Tegese?
12 How has Becik Tegese evolved over time?
13 What is the impact of modernization on Becik Tegese?


In conclusion, Becik Tegese is a traditional Balinese method of baby care that has been passed down through generations of mothers. While it may not comply with modern medical practices, Becik Tegese is a way for families to connect with their cultural heritage and promote health and healing. By practicing Becik Tegese, families honor the bond between mother and baby and the importance of emotional connections in the family unit. If you’re interested in learning more about Becik Tegese, we encourage you to consult with a Balinese traditional healer or medical professional.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. We encourage readers to consult with a medical professional before beginning any new practices.

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